3 Simple Ways to Restore Wellness in a Church Worker Family

Taking time for preventative wellness is essential for the family of a church worker, especially with all the challenges we find in our world today.
Church workers are regularly at extreme risk, often under public scrutiny, living in a proverbial fishbowl. It can lead to frustration, anger and deep hurt, directly impacting these families’ health and well-being. Many church workers can share stories about brokenness within their family, issues that cause embarrassment and can destroy a ministry.
Unfortunately, church workers are often not afforded the same luxury of privacy as other families, and dramas are occasionally played on a more public stage. It can leave a ministry family feeling overwhelmed at times!
How can you maintain or restore wellness in a church worker family? Like any family, it requires much forgiveness, grace, patience and understanding. Consider three areas to alleviate the occasional tensions.
1. Remember baptismal wellness
It is at the wheel’s core and reminds us of who we truly belong to. Luther urged that we daily remember our baptism, with the reminder that the old sinful Adam has been drowned, and the new person, cleansed by Jesus in the waters of baptism, lives. Our identity is in Him! Not only is this true for you, but also for your family members and even those people who may sometimes cause you some irritation. These are the EGR people—extra grace is required. Sometimes, they are placed in our path to help us grow. In Jesus, we can learn to love them!
Knowing our identity is in Jesus can help us remember that Jesus died for all and calls us to love others. Amid the strife, remember that Jesus is still Lord! His baptismal promise is He will never leave or forsake you. Don’t think as a church worker, you have to be perfect. Jesus reminds us it is okay not to be okay! Amid life’s storms, He has your family and you in His grace and has claimed you as His dear child. Find your identity in Jesus.
2. Spiritual wellness enables us to stand during difficult times.
Family devotions can strengthen resolve. God directs His people to teach His Word to our children. We are reminded in Deuteronomy 6, “And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.” Spending time together in God’s Word and prayer as a family is an act of wellness that will strengthen the family’s spiritual health. Our work for Jesus always begins with family and in the home. It is the most critical missionary field entrusted to us, an investment with huge dividends in tough times.
3. Relational wellness can be strengthened by parents
As parents model faith, honesty, and communication in a family, everyone is strengthened. Families are more robust and better together. Church workers often feel an unhealthy obligation to carry burdens alone. We have a Savior who carries our burdens, not you! From the start, God saw it was not good for man to be alone. He put us in relationships, flowing from our relationship with Him.
God places family relationships in your life and doesn’t make mistakes. Each member, though different, brings something to the equation, leading to God’s grace. Good communication skills, speaking the truth in love and being honest are all values that can strengthen relationships and wellness in a church worker’s family.
During difficult days, always remember that Jesus is with you, and even if you didn’t come from a healthy family, God can make a healthy family go from you as we rest in Him!
Wellness Resources for Church Workers
Visit lcef.org/graceplace to discover resources to teach anyone called to work in ministry to achieve health, balance and joy for your entire career.