Faithful Servant Rev. Zimmerman Retires from LCEF and Grace Place Wellness

Rev. Dr. Darrell Zimmerman retired as Vice President, Grace Place Wellness on June 30 after a 40-year career in ministry. LCEF celebrated him and his career at a retirement party on June 17.

Rev. Dr. Darrell Zimmerman, center, with LCEF President and CEO Bart Day, left, and Rev. Dr. Greg Walton, LCEF Vice President of Ministry Solutions and Director of Grace Place Wellness.
Zimmerman was a parish pastor in St. Louis, Mo., and Saginaw, Mich., for 30 years. In 2012, he joined Grace Place Wellness Ministries (GPWM) as its first full-time Program Director. At GPWM, his passion for church worker wellness led him to develop the Congregational Wellness Weekend, create the Ministry Team Wellness Workshop and write a book, Reclaiming the Joy of Ministry.
Zimmerman was named executive director of GPWM in 2019, and LCEF acquired GPWM in 2022.
We pray God’s blessings upon Rev. Zimmerman in his retirement.