Meet the Go-To Guy Who Supports Others’ Needs

Brad Basse centers everything he does on his faith and church life. It’s not surprising. Basse was born into a faithful Lutheran Church— Missouri Synod (LCMS) family and has received the Lutheran church’s gifts throughout his entire life. Is it any wonder that Basse has chosen to share what he’s received right back — both with his family and the church?
“To me, faith is most important,” said Basse. “My wife and I have raised our children and based our marriage on the faith. The blessings that God has given us is the reason I continue to serve in whatever capacity in the church that I can.”
Those who know him — including Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) District Vice President for LCMS districts Wyoming and Montana, Jeff Snyder — say that Basse has a servant’s heart like no other.
“He is a long-time supporter of the church,” said Snyder. “He supports his local congregation and the district. He volunteers for projects around the district and he’s very connected to what is going on. He’s a go-to guy who supports others’ needs wherever he can.”

Of course, Basse has found plenty of church needs and isn’t afraid to step up in faith to serve.
“In the church, I’ve been just about everything,” Basse said. “I’m currently a treasurer, for the last six or seven years, and also a trustee because of my background in construction.”
In 2000, Basse served as chairman of the building committee when his church, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Thermopolis, Wy., constructed a new facility. He considers that position one of his most rewarding. That’s also when he first started investing with LCEF.
“We used LCEF for financing the new church building, and they encouraged investments by members,” recalled Basse. “That’s when we bought our first Individual Retirement Accounts.”
Since then, the Basses have joyfully continued adding to their investments and savings. “Primarily because of the great return on investment,” Basse said, “but [we invest with LCEF] especially because it’s an opportunity to support the ministry of the Lutheran church.”
“I haven’t found a return in an investment like that anywhere else,” added Basse. “I love to make money available to ministries, especially through LCEF, because I recognize that the people leading it are faithful and have a faith similar to mine.”
Join us as we give thanks to God for Basse’s role as a member of our faith family.