Ministry Readiness: What’s Possible for Your Church?

Is your congregation considering expanding facilities or adding new ministries? Stuck in a revolving “Groundhog Day” from week to week, month to month and year to year, thinking about “doing something new” but never actually moving forward? Not sure what the first, second or even pre-step is to get started? Tried a Google search on church expansion or church campaigns, which created more confusion than clarity?
Do what hundreds of Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) congregations and ministries are doing — GIVE LCEF A CALL — to be your trusted partner, guiding leaders through a tested Ministry Readiness process!
We understand that all LCMS ministries are unique and require custom solutions to achieve their goals. Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) designed the ministry readiness process to define possibilities and design solutions that will move your ministry forward according to God’s plan.
Why it Works
Our consultant walks alongside your pastor and other leaders to assess your readiness to undertake a ministry expansion campaign. Though elements of the process may seem unrelated, each piece is meant to discover impediments to donor confidence that could diminish the success of a campaign.

How it Works
An LCEF consultant works with a small Ministry Readiness Study Team (4-6 volunteers) to inform and survey members, constituents and top donors. The consultant and a member of the LCEF Ministry Solutions Team will conduct 30-50 personal interviews with selected church staff, key leadership, members and staff.
What You Get
Our consultant team presents a comprehensive Ministry Readiness report to your Board of Directors. This report contains all findings from the Organization Readiness audits and Ministry Readiness Study, prescriptions and a proposal for a continued partnership with LCEF.
Connect with LCEF today for a free consultation. Email