Decades ago, when Carolyn Johnson moved with her parents from Ohio to a brand new city, she was without a church family.

Carolyn Johnson, left, with a fellow church member, Damien Momototo.
She was the new kid in town, and it had been weeks—maybe months—since she stepped foot in a church. That is, until two little neighborhood girls came to her front door and asked Johnson’s mother, “Can your daughter come with us to the church for Vacation Bible School?”
Before she knew it, Johnson was on her way to a little white church with green shutters that she could see over the hill in the distance. It was a Lutheran church.
“The pastor visited us right away, and we began to attend there,” she recalled. “I’ve been Lutheran ever since.”
That was the start of Johnson’s life of love, family and service in The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS)—a life that continues to be a gift to many.
It starts with stewardship
Connected at last with a church family, Johnson gradually learned how important the church was to her—and how sincerely she wanted to give to the church in thanks to God for His many gifts.
“I found that I wanted to do something financially for our Lord,” Johnson said, “and around that time, my mother was involved in a Bible study on the book of James, learning about finances in the Bible. I attended that study with her, learned to save my money and that tithing is the first thing you should do.”
Years later, Johnson and her parents moved to the Florida Keys—and it was there that she learned about Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF).
Her parents were charter members of Immanuel Lutheran Church there, and Johnson explained that LCEF “helped build that church through a loan.” It was such a positive experience that Johnson and her mother started LCEF accounts of their own.
“(I know my money has) helped out churches so much, and for that, I’m grateful,” she said. “As long as there are Lutherans, I know my money will be used well.”
Family time
Now a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church in Miami, Johnson has not only stewarded her money but also her time.
Over the years, she was active in the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) and with Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM), served as president of the congregation and assisted in her church’s Lutheran school.
Today, she volunteers at her church’s new charter school, helping with before and after-school care and sharing Jesus with the students whenever possible.
“Serving my church is serving my Lord,” she said. “There are many community things I could be serving in, but I just feel I need to support my church in many ways, financially and also by doing work. It’s my family because I don’t have any other family anymore.”
One of the family
As she got to know LCEF better, they, too, became part of Johnson’s family.
With guidance from LCEF Gift Development specialists Al Koepke and Diana Raasch, Johnson discovered how to turn her passion for Christ and church workers into a legacy that would live on for generations.
“I’m so grateful to Al [Koepke],” Johnson said. “He was the first person from LCEF I got to know personally, and he even came to my mother’s 90th birthday! He’s been like one of the family. Now, in my old age, I can see how LCEF is so helpful and offers a personal touch.”
Koepke recognized that Johnson lives a life of service to her Lord, and he saw how LCEF has always been a significant part of her life story. He shared with her that a simple way to continue to impact ministry was to make LCEF or the church a beneficiary of her LCEF account. Johnson saw the potential and chose to update her beneficiaries, directing more dollars to three LCMS ministries, including LCEF.
“I am so thankful for Jesus, and my faith and my church family are the most important things to me,” explained Johnson. “For my legacy, I want people to know we are saved by grace, and that Jesus is Lord, and we should support His Church.”
Caring for her family’s future
Specifically, Johnson chose to designate one of her gifts to LCEF’s Church Worker Loan Pool.
“My church sent a young man off to Concordia (University, Nebraska), who hopes to be a pastor in eight years,” said Johnson. “He’s going to need help when he gets out, and I know that LCEF takes care of young church workers like him.”
She added that we “need more church workers, and young people are having a harder time with housing. I want to encourage them to work for the Lord, and if I can help in some way, with even my tiny mite, I can help the future of our church. Maybe my gift will even make it to that little church with the green shutters.”
That was where it began, after all. Our Lord gave Johnson a church family there, and through Johnson and her church family, He will continue to gift His Church in all places and times.