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How an LCEF SMART Loan Led to a New Façade

In December 2020, when their school building was empty during COVID, Our Redeemer Lutheran Church & School in Tigard, Oregon, knew that it was the right time to make some necessary upgrades to the outside of their building.

“We had enough money in our capital improvements fund to pay for everything,” said Bob Peters, treasurer at Our Redeemer, “but we would have been on empty if we used it. In case of an emergency, it made more sense to borrow the money and then hang on to the capital improvement funds.”

After considering all their options, Our Redeemer called LCEF to see if a SMART loan – designed precisely to meet the short-term financial needs of The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod schools – was the right fit for them. In short, SMART refers to loans for Security upgrades; Maintenance and other facility upgrades, including playground equipment; Academic resources; Repairs for building and fleet, and Technology needs and equipment.

“Part of it is that LCEF is part of the family!” said Peters. “Our LCEF representative is someone I’ve known over the years. So, the SMART loan was just the best deal. They were friendly, convenient and easy all the way.”

With a beautiful new façade, Our Redeemer Lutheran School – now filled with children once again – can focus on what they love most.

“There are always new families moving into the area,” Peters shared, “so having the school look good has always been important. It brings people in every year to discover Our Redeemer, a place where the teachers love and nurture the children and where the students get a Christ-centered education.”

About SMART Loans

LCEF SMART Loans are designed to meet the short-term financial needs of LCMS elementary, middle and high school associations and related recognized service organizations (RSOs).

LCEF’s SMART Loan is ideal for:

  • Security upgrades
  • Maintenance and other facility upgrades, including playground equipment
  • Academic resources
  • Repairs for building and fleet
  • Technology needs and equipment

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