On November 22, 2019, The Hope Movement received the Fred E. Lietz Mission Project Award during Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s (LCEF) annual Leadership Conference in Houston, Texas.
Established in 2014 as a ministry of LakePointe Lutheran Church in Hot Springs, Ark., The Hope Movement is a non-profit organization focused on one objective: “to help women move forward from an addictive lifestyle to become fully-devoted followers of Jesus as they discover abundant life through Christ.”
LakePointe serves in a community that, like many across the United States, has serious problems with addiction. As a church family that has seen many in its own congregation tackle addiction recovery only to relapse in the “gap” between treatment and independence, LakePointe knew that it was being called to help.

The church launched The Hope Movement in response to that call—and God’s blessings on the ministry and the women it serves have abounded.
The ministry regularly ministers to up to seven women as they live in the program home. There is no cost to participate in the program, but residents are required to secure employment, take part in the day-to-day duties of maintaining the house, take part in counseling sessions and participate in regular Bible study and other daily faith-building activities.
The women also become active members in the LakePointe congregation, expanding their faith family and increasing their support network.
The Hope Movement gives women the confidence and skills to maintain a job and provide for themselves. The program also teaches them how to have healthy relationships with others. In some instances, it reunites mothers with children from whom they were separated because of their addiction. Most importantly, The Hope Movement allows these women to start their lives anew, with Christ as the foundation.
Through this incredible ministry of LakePointe Church, the entire community is inspired to serve and encourage these women as their lives are transformed through Christ.
The Fred E. Lietz Mission Project Award is an annual award that recognizes the outstanding efforts of ministries associated with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod.