Darlene Hillman: A Unique Servant of God

It was in Schaumburg, Ill., when the light bulb went off for Darlene Hillman. She was at Lutheran Church Extension Fund’s (LCEF) 2016 Fall Leadership Conference. What really hit home for her was the fact that LCEF did so much more and was “truly interested in helping everybody.”
Over the years, Hillman was vaguely aware of LCEF. She served on several church committees and councils at Immanuel Lutheran Church, DeKalb, Ill., her home church, where the organization was mentioned in connection with Immanuel’s loan. Then, a few years ago, she got to know Vanda Toner, LCEF district vice president for the LCMS Northern Illinois District.

“I started to learn more about Lutheran Church Extension Fund through Vanda. She was new and just getting to know people in the district.” Then Toner invited her to her first LCEF leadership conference where Hillman finally understood all that LCEF did. Shortly after that she became an LCEF advocate.
Toner has nothing but good things to say about Hillman. “Darlene is a unique servant of God in that she selflessly gives her time and talents whether in her role as a church administrator, an LCEF Advocate or a partner in ministry, all while being a devoted wife and mother.”
About LCEF, Hillman said, “It’s a great partnership, starting with investments like the Young Investors (Y.I.) Club. At our school, every preschooler is offered a Y.I. StewardAccount, with Immanuel contributing the first $25, as a way of giving back and investing in the children.” Ninety percent of the students are not part of the church, so Immanuel wants this to be seen as a gift.
On a personal level, Hillman and her husband have a Family Emergency StewardAccount® and every birthday and Christmas she puts money in her eight grandchildren’s Y.I. StewardAccounts. Hillman realizes this is so much more than just saving—it can also help strengthen the Church.

Lutheran Church Extension Fund is honored to be part of Hillman’s story. Through the support of faithful investors like Hillman, we are able to make funds available to equip LCMS pastors, churches, schools and organizations to fulfill their call of sharing the Gospel.
You, too, can discover the joy of supporting LCMS individuals and ministries by visiting lcef.org/invest today.