Very hard worker. Solid individual. Loves the Lord. Gives it all. Will do anything. Humble guy. Those were just a few of the phrases used to describe Laborers For Christ (LFC) member Randy Peebles.
Randy hasn’t been a laborer for long. His first official project was in Lexington, Ky. — the largest LFC job to date. He was at the project for a total of ten months over three different visits building walls, excavating trenches for electricity and more. It was obvious from the start Randy would be an asset.
“Very easy to work with because he takes direction,” Mark Fintel said, who handled the day-to-day labor on the Lexington project. In addition, he “offers an opinion about an issue but doesn’t get offended if we don’t run with his idea.”
Rob Meyer, who served as the first project manager on the Lexington project, said, “Real quiet guy, kind of has a dry wit about him,” but he “gives it his all. Starts on time, gives it all until lunch and then, is the last one there in the evening.”
An example of giving it all, says Jeff Herndon, director – Laborers For Christ, is when Randy stepped up and volunteered his time to research a software program to reduce bidding time, and then devoted his time to figuring out how that software program works.
About nine years ago, Randy was exposed to LFC through a church project near his home in Peavely, Mo. Not long after that, his own church did a small project using laborers. He volunteered on both jobs.
Eventually, he took the official LFC plunge with the Lexington project. For Randy, working with LFC was an opportunity to “help other Christians enable churches to expand their mission work, help them build” a space and place for mercy work.
Although it wasn’t just the work that Randy loved. It was the other laborers and church people he got to know. “Very good support system when you are among the laborers,” he said. “Everybody is helping. Great camaraderie.”
When asked if he would recommend others to join LFC, he didn’t miss a beat: “I would recommend it. And I would tell those people who are interested, don’t be intimidated. Be willing to get out and work.” He points out that “you don’t have to have the physical experience or any of the construction work.”
Recently Randy’s changed roles to become a project director, one of four across the nation, who dedicate their time to getting bids for future projects. His first project is in Gardner, Kan. “He has the right personality to talk to vendors,” said Fintel, who has 40 years of experience in construction.
Congratulations, Randy, and thank you for all you do!