What are the Silver Eagles?

The Silver Eagles are an honorary group of individuals who achieved exceptional results while serving Lutheran Church Extension Fund (LCEF) and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod ( LCMS). Members must meet one of the following requirements:
- Elected chairmen of the LCEF Board of Directors
- LCEF Chief Executive Officers, upon completion of their service to LCEF
- Art Haake Leadership Award recipients
What is the Art Haake Leadership Award?
The award honors retired LCEF employees for their service to LCEF and the greater LCMS.
To qualify, an employee must have worked for LCEF for at least five years, made significant contributions, been recognized by peers as a special person, exemplified Christian faith and love in their life, reflected the goals of the LCEF mission statement and represented the dedication, spirit and love that Art Haake, LCEF’s second president, gave to each task.
Today, 18 living Silver Eagles love and pray for LCEF.
What is the Art Haake Leadership Award (AHLA)?
The AHLA honors retired LCEF employees for their service to LCEF and the greater LCMS. To qualify, an employee must have worked for LCEF for at least five years, made significant contributions, been recognized by peers as a special person, exemplified Christian faith and love in their life, reflected the goals of the LCEF mission statement and represented the dedication, spirit and love that Art Haake, LCEF’s second president, gave to each task.
Why were the Silver Eagles formed?
The Silver Eagles were created in the 1990s. At the time, LCEF was facing the retirement of several key leaders, who had a wealth of institutional knowledge. After retirement, many of these leaders continued to meet annually to maintain their relationships and reflect upon their years of service. Senior management created the Silver Eagles to formally acknowledge their service. Today, there are 18 living members. Twenty members have been called to their heavenly home, resting in the arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.